Every malt should tell a story about where it came from, where it’s been, and where it’s going. After all, malt is the soul of a great beer, and it should be anything but average. Blue Ox Malthouse seeks to push the possibilities of craft beer and spirits by supporting shorter supply chains and thoughtful farming practices to create more resilient food systems anchored in the robust possibilities of regional agriculture.
Because beer and spirits are food, and because grains impact our local food systems and economy significantly, we seek to push the possibilities of what a modern-day malthouse can achieve. Working to reinvigorate a centuries-old craft, Blue Ox Malthouse is committed to growing the connection between brewers and farmers. We aim to serve as a model for regenerative, regional agriculture and sustainable rural economic development.
Malt With Intention
The mission of our malt is to create a world where local family farms can not only thrive but make a living for generations to come. Our work shortens the supply chain, educates consumers about where their food comes from, keeps more of your money in the local economy, and helps craft brewers and distillers delight their customers. Ultimately, malt produced with this mission makes for higher quality, more flavorful, and storied beers and spirits.
If your mission is to create extraordinary beers and spirits that support family farmers and keep more of your money in the local economy, thank you for considering Blue Ox Malthouse as your malt partner.
Malt With Terroir
To brew a truly local beer, you need local malt. Along with soul, malt brings a sense of place to beers and spirits. grains from local Maine family farmers with whom we have strong ties, helping them increase their grain growing capacity and produce the best quality grains possible. We then take those grains and craft the perfect balance of flavor and performance using age-old floor malting techniques.
Until just over a decade ago, most of North America’s malthouses were large industrial behemoths promoting a centralized grain economy. But we sincerely believe that a true regional grain economy is not only possible but also essential for the future.
By keeping all our grains local, we can focus on our raw material selection from top to bottom. By blending traditional techniques with modern innovation, we are able to craft malts that exist outside of conventional style guidelines and allow our customers to create finished beers and spirits that have a true sense of place.
Whether you are a professional or homebrewer, distiller, or chef, take a gander at our product lineup, which includes a wide color range of base and specialty malts.